And of course, that is me! Having a first snuggle with the sweet little guy!
Things have been crazy busy around here these last couple of weeks. My girlfriend Charmaine is up from Arizona with her three girls for a good part of the summer, and has been staying with us for the last week and a half. This is what dinner time now looks like at my house.....
Good times! Crazy fun! Poor Owen is a little out numbered by all the women, and it doesn't help that Aidan has been doing some pretty late hours these last weeks studying and working overtime. This is Isidora eating her first ice cream cone. She is a pretty funny little girl...she has lot's of character!
And the rest of the kids enjoying ice cream on the porch.
Now the final preparations are being made for Melissa's wedding. We had the stag last weekend, it was a total blast...all I know is that I am not very sexy when I'm trying to pole dance! It is really hard to look hot as your arms can barely hold you up as you are swinging around the pole...not that I swung much, my "dancing" was more like falling, but it was still great fun! Guzzled back a few to help with the courage, and a good time was had by all! I have a new respect for the ladies out there that do it for a living. It is tough! As a result, I wasn't able to walk properly for a few days, and now my legs are left with a few bruises which hopefully will clear up before the wedding. Today was the rehearsal, and the wedding is on Sunday. I'll have lot's to tell you about then.
Not a lot of knitting getting done, but I am just past the heel flap on my first sock. I'll post a pic later! Ciao!
ahhhhh!!!!!! what a beautiful baby!