Miss Maeghan has lost another tooth! Finally! This one was just hanging there for quite some time. I was trying to convince her to let me yank it, but she wouldn't hear of it. Eventually, a boy at school accidently kicked her in the mouth (not hard!) and the tooth came flying out. Unfortunately she lost it, and is quite worried that the tooth fairy might not pay her a visit if there was no tooth. I told her to write a letter explaining what happened and hopefully the tooth fairy will feel sorry for her and still leave her a few coins. I'll let you know what happens.
Owen has still been playing hockey with all the big boys, recently it was his turn to play goal. Here he is decked out in all the goalie gear which is ginormous on him. He is so happy!
Halloween was a lot of fun again this year. Maeghan was a scary witch, and Owen was a brave knight. This is such a great age for trick-or-treating. We only went to the houses in our neighborhood and the kids thought that was great. I know soon enough they'll want to be out for hours, but thankfully at this point they are just as happy handing out treats as they are getting them. Aidan decorated the house up again...it was the scariest house in the complex. He had red lights glowing from all the windows, and the shadow of one of Maeghan's dolls was swinging in the window. Pretty spooky!
Owen's hair had been getting really shaggy and long, and the only way he would allow Daddy to cut it was if he was able to cut Daddy's too. I think there is a certain thrill for all little kids if they get to hold a set of buzz clips to their Dad's head! He loved it! It was pretty funny, he didn't do too bad of job either!
Well, I think I've mostly caught up. I've got to try and post more frequently. I'm sure I'm missing sharing with you a lot of the little things that really brighten our days. Some of the things that come out of the kids mouths are hilarious...I've got to start writing them down, and what better place?
We are waiting on pins and needles for Bronagh's baby to arrive! Her due date was yesterday, and so far as we know, nothing. Isaac believes that this one will be a girl, and he's already named her Lucy. He is going to be bitterly disappointed if it is a boy! I'll let you know as soon as we hear something. It's baby # 3! It should come pretty fast!
Awesome Post! Love love the pictures, I actually snorted out my nose when I saw that picture of Owen. Between that and the soccer outfit Owen is totally going to think that oversized clothes are normal, I can already picture the skater clothes.....
I can't believe you let Owen handle clippers! Aidan is pretty brave. I think I can start knitting again soon. The kids look great.
ReplyDeleteLot's of love,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link! I'll add you to mine when I get the blog a little more organised! I noticed you want to knit Drive Thru...I have that pattern when you are ready. Very adorable pictures of your family! Yes, Kirk did not seem to mind (I didn't even ask if it would be alright) his feet modelling for the blog, nor the picture taking.
I knit another 6 rows tonight. My project, slow going. Ah well, I like knitting, I like knitting...
Awesome Hallowe'en pics of the kids. Great costumes and makeup! And Owen in the oversized hockey gear is priceless! I'm going to print those pictures and put them on my fridge. Brooklyn loves to see all the pictures I have there. love, mom xx