Sunday, April 6, 2008

Thank Heaven For Little Girls...

Early this morning I awoke to a gentle poking on my shoulder. I rolled over, opened my eyes, and there stood my sweet Maeghan with a glass of water in one hand and a teddy in the other. She had brought me a glass of water because I had been coughing, alot, all night, and the teddy so I would have something to snuggle. She told me to just rest and to try and go back to sleep, so I did. A while later there was another little tap on my shoulder, and I opened my eyes to see Maeghan holding a tray of freshly made scrambled eggs! She had made me and her dad breakfast in bed! Being only 7, Maeghan is not allowed to use the stove, so she cooked them for us in the microwave. They weren't half bad either! Thank you Maeghan! You made getting up a lot easier this morning!

Last weekend Maeghan had a birthday party at the bowling alley with all of her friends. It was a really fun time, even for Aidan and I, for once we didn't have to clean the house before and after a party! This is the cake that she had requested, chocolate of course, I trained her well. She wanted it to be red, but it's really hard to turn white icing red, so we decided white and pink would be the way to go.

I'm not much of a cake decorator but I tried my best!

She got a brand new bike, which unfortunately is a bit too big for her, but she insisted that we keep it, she's planning to grow!

Owen had a hard time with Maeg's birthday this year, he didn't think that it was fair that she got all the gifts, and he thought that August was WAY to far away. Lucky for him he has such a generous sister and she was willing to share almost everything with him.

Next post I'll have an FO for you! I just have to get some pictures, it has been a particularly dreary day.


  1. I've been thinking.....Maeghan should come for a sleep over! (be sure to pack her apron!)

  2. Great pics. Maeghan looks so proud on her new bike!

  3. nice work on the cake! much much better than slimy snake cake! lol
