Monday, January 15, 2007

Le Chapeau

Here it is. The thing is a monster. I can spin it around my head. I've been searching for someone with a large head to give it to...unfortunately no one has a head this large. I thought about frogging it, but I think it is destined for the tickle trunk. However, in case Connie's baby is born with an afro, I should probably hold on to this hat. It might make a good baby gift.

We had an interesting week. My second day back from vacation Maeghan's school called for me to come pick her up because she was sick. Being the concerned parent I am, I high-tailed it out of work (yipee!) and came home to see poor little Maeghan sitting on the couch with her dad reading a book (Aidan had to take an early lunch to pick her up because I wouldn't make it there before Kindergarten ended). Full of smiles, she looked up at me and said that she had had a stomach ache at school but was feeling much better now. Further investigation revealed that she was not sick, never was sick, and was just playing hookey from school. Now, I know they say like mother like daughter, but I won the skipper of the year award in Gr. 12!!! Not Kindergarten! We had a long talk about when it was appropriate to phone mommy home from work, and she has promised me she won't fake it anymore (unless of course I really want to get out of work and we "pre-plan" it! Hee hee!).

Not an hour after I got home we lost power again (6th time since the end of November) due to another wind storm, and we sat in the dark with a few candles lit trying to work on preschool work books without catching our hair on fire. Owen on the other hand was playing sock football - which I had to put an end to rather abruptly because he kept trying to get the sock in the candle. That kids' got good aim! I took the kids out for dinner where they behaved rather well, and then off to swimming lessons. Thank goodness the pool had power!

Huge snowstorm on Wednesday night, so much so that the daycare shut down and I had to stay home with Maeghan on Thursday. Owen and I walked her to school and then went to Tara's to play with Tomis and the twins, then back to pick Maeghan up from school and home again. After a good lunch we went tobaggoning in the "stone park" in our complex. It was really fun.

The rest of the week was pretty uneventful. Yesterday we took the kids tobaggoning at the golf course which was a blast because the hill was huge! I can't believe how the older I get, the more fear I have. I was so scared to go down the hill...but Maeghan and I did it, and after we got over the initial fear we did all right. Owen and Aidan have no fear, so they were flying down so fast, over and over. I meant to bring my camera to take some pictures for you to see, but I left it at home, which was probably a good thing since we wiped out a couple of times and probably would have broken it.

Well, I'm off to get ready for work...working nights this week...should be fun.


  1. Afro..............................

    No offense meant to your wonderful knitting but maybe you could keep it in your car for me.....might work better than a baby blanket....... ; )

  2. Ha,ha,ha!!!

    You look soo cute! Can you make me one....ummm...the right size! Maybe it would fit Simon's head??


  3. Oh Connie, you know you can do "whatever" you want in my car and I would love you anyway. Although, the darn thing could hold an awful lot! Heehee!
