Sunday, April 8, 2007

Maeghan's Birthday And Some Other Stuff

I can finally post some pictures from Maeghan's birthday. Here is the cake that I made:

(Sorry the pics are a little dark...I was too lazy to edit them!)

Not too exciting, but there was a couple of important features that Maeghan insisted were on the cake.....her name......a four leaf clover......and green icing (we had her party on St. Patrick's Day). Voila! That's what she got. I wasn't too imaginative this year because I was scrambling to decorate it the morning of her party since I worked all week and didn't have time otherwise.

She loved it and that is all that matters! We had a party with some of her friends from both the complex and school, and we made some masks as a craft...then, rather than playing games I let them run hog wild in the basement. It was CRAZY! I should have taken an after picture of the basement. It looked like a bomb went off. We finally cleaned it up last weekend...a full two weeks after her party. I couldn't face it before then!

A week later we had a family party on her real birthday. She had a lot of fun tearing open the packages from Oma and Granny. But when it came time for blowing out her candles....

Owen beat her to it!!!!

Not a happy Daddy re-lit the candles...

And she tried again....

We've had some nice weather lately, so finally the kids have been able to play outside. Owen just goes and goes...he loves riding his bike, I won't be surprised at all if the training wheels come off this year...hopefully for Maeghan too!

He will be the next NHL star in our family, I'm sure!

However, he will need to stop doing this:

(Disclaimer: The following photo may not be suitable for all viewers. Parental supervision is strongly recommended!)

Or they may not let him in! It's Lester the Molester!!! Doesn't he look creepy? He called me into the bathroom the other day because he was so proud of what he had done. Apparently in his world mascara belongs on your eyebrows. I told him we would have to try and wash it off, and he said "Why? I like it!" His poor little face was raw after the scrubbing it took to get it off!

So I think we've caught up a little bit. I'm working on a few more projects right now, but unfortunately I can't post them yet because I don't want anyone to see them.

My next project for me will be this:

as soon as the yarn comes in. Hopefully I'll have wrapped up a few other things in the meantime. Have a great day everyone!


  1. So cute that you caught all the candle blowing pictures. Little brothers are pests sometimes, that's for sure. But we still love him! K, the mascara picture reminds me of Auntie Melissa at that age, and not only mascara, but she cut her bangs, too! Wonder if she remembers that. Happy knitting, sweetie! xx

  2. I love that sweater! Can't wait to see it finished. Love Ya!
