How about a closer look: That's right folks, I've already worn a hole in my fuzzy feet. How did this happen so soon you might ask? Well I'm thinking there are three possible answers.
1) Patons Classic Merino does not felt well: I tend to disagree with this theory as I have heard on many occasions that this is a fabulous felting wool.
2) I have not felted these long enough to provide a nice sturdy fabric: this is a pretty good theory, and you can see for yourself in the above photo. Way too much stitch definition. I should have felted them longer.
3) I am in denial of the actual size of my feet: This theory probably hits the closest to home as I had to stop the felting process too early because I was in fear of them not fitting my feet. Apparently I need to knit a larger size and then felt longer.
I'm going to try to sew them up and throw them back in the washer for another round of felting.
Wish me luck...I just hope this won't be another item on my long list of things to do that I never get around to doing!
In other news, Owen is going to be a reindeer in his Christmas concert. Has anyone seen a long-sleeved brown shirt for really cheap? Unfortunately we have a short-sleeved one, but that is not the requirement for his costume. At least he's not wind again.......