Thursday, April 17, 2008

Prison Breaking Bread

So Connie and I decided to do a little hiking in Golden Ears Park in Maple Ridge on Tuesday. We were on a little bit of a time limit because I had to pick Maeggie Moo up from school and take her to the Dentist. We thought that we should have more than enough time, however, because the hike, round trip to the falls and back, was two hours. So we started out and made it to the Pitt River bridge before we hit our first delay - an accident on the bridge. We patiently waited (besides Connie uttering threats under her breath at the girl in the next car who wouldn't let us merge! - but we won't go there) waited our turn to cross the bridge. Now we were truckin' along, the drive to the start of the trail was a bit farther than we expected, so that ate up some of our hiking time as well. As we drove I perused the info guide that Connie had brought along, and scoffed when I read "if you are lucky enough to hike on a clear day" part of the description. Obviously the author had never spent much time here, we get plenty of days that are clear. I felt a bit offended. I looked out the car window, the weather was great!

We finally make it to the trail head, notice a few clouds rolling in, but I'm positive it will remain nice. We come across a sign that indicated we had to pay for parking, yet there was no parking meter in the lot we were in, so we had to drive around to find one. There was next to nobody in the park. We drove through the campgrounds on our search for the parking meter and came across the odd tent here and there but that was pretty much it. By this time it was starting to drizzle a little, but, no matter, a little rain never hurt anyone (although, I frequently tell my kids that I'm made of sugar and could melt!). We rounded a corner and up ahead I spotted a dude in a bright red jumpsuit raking one of the campsites. I said that we should go ask him for some directions, obviously he worked there. As Connie pulled up along side of him, rolled down her window and started asking him, (and when I say started to ask him, I mean in her best flirting "please can I have free parking" kind of asking) I looked up and noticed at least 10 other men working...all in bright red jumpsuits. There was also an "officer" looking guy....hmmmm.....I fervently tried to whisper to Connie under my breath so the dude wouldn't hear me..."Connie, they're PRISONERS!!!" which she had also noticed at the same time as me.

We had stopped to ask directions from a group of convicts.

The Corrections Officer came forward at that point and let us know that we didn't have to pay because none of the meters were active. Great. I felt like was in an episode of Prison Break! So we slowly backed up and headed back to the parking lot, thankful that we didn't get car-jacked by a mob of escaping convicts - although they wouldn't have been able to hide out too well in Connie's BRIGHT yellow car.

So while all this was happening, it started raining a little bit heavier, but we were not backing out of the hike now. Connie strapped on Ryder and we headed off down the trail. It started raining even harder. Then it started hailing. The trail became muddier and muddier, but that didn't stop us. Only time stopped us because pretty soon we had to turn around in order to make it back in time for Maeghan. Next time we will make the whole hike. I now NEED to see those falls!

Unfortunately I was too nervous to pull out my camera and take a picture of the convicts, but I did get a shot of Connie and Ryder being pummelled by hail.

I guess this is the kind of weather one could expect when one lives in a rain forest as we do. I would go again in a heartbeat.

Maeghan started throwing up on Tuesday night, Aidan stayed home with her yesterday, and I stayed home with her today. Poor little thing, she can't keep anything down. I took the opportunity to do some baking and made my first "not baked in the bread maker" bread. I did let the machine mix and knead for me, then I removed it and baked it in the oven. I don't like how dense bread machine bread is, baking it this way made it much better. While the bread was rising I also made a few dozen chocolate chip cookies...mmmmm....maybe a mistake since I will probably be the one to eat them all!

Somebody likes his bread!


  1. Shannon, you are a great story teller - you should write your own short stories. Seriously, I mean it. I am picturing this whole thing as I'm reading it. Hilarious!

    p.s. glad you guys were safe!

    p.p.s the bread looks yummy!

  2. Look! I read your blog the same day you posted it! I wish I was with you guys on your kind-of hike...I could have protected you from the prisoners...too funny! I have a non-dense bread machine recipe to share with you...I'll send it by email... Give Maeggie hugs and kisses for me...tell her Auntie Melissa was just sick Lots and lots of love to you all!!!!

  3. Poor Maeghan!!! Feel better soon Sweetie!

    You forgot the 'you can just call me Officer Friendly" part.

