Saturday, June 14, 2008

Graduation Day!

We have a scholar in the family. Owen has graduated from Preschool! Here he is just before we left for the ceremony. He was pretty excited.

Their opening song was "O'Canada", and man was it cute. All the kids had their hands over their hearts and were singing so loudly!

Here he his recieving his diploma from his teacher, Miss Noriega.

"Woohoo! I graduated!"

What a sweet boy.

It was fun to see the slideshow that the preschool put together...Owen has really grown up in the last two years and is looking forward to starting Kindergarten in the fall!

We are frantically working on our townhouse to get all the updates done before we sell. It is being listed in 10 days. I hope we can get everything done in time. Tonight we ripped up the carpet on the main floor and started prepping the floors for installation of our beautiful new laminate flooring which Aidan will be putting in next weekend. A friend of ours installs flooring (hardwood and laminate) for a living, so he was able to get us a really good price. Aidan has never laid floors before, so hopefully he'll get it right on the first try. We had always thought that we would go with real wood floors, but since we are doing it to sell we went the cheaper route, but we did get high end laminate so it won't look cheap. I'm excited to see it finished. I'll post some before and after pictures once it is all done. Monday and Tuesday will be spent painting the main floor and stairwell/landing of the top floor. We have managed to complete the basement already so at least that is one thing done!

Wish us luck in a speedy sale!


  1. Wow, what a handsome boy! I can't believe how much he's grown. Kindergarten in the fall? Where has the time gone?? Way to go, Owen! Love you all lots!

  2. Marg took the words right off my finger tips! Where has the time gone!
    We wish you guys all the good luck in the world now and always! xxoo

  3. I wish you luck in a speedy sale!
    Owen is such a sweet little guy, I love all the pictures. I hope I see you at work soon? Hopefully Tuesday.

  4. Owen is adorable and I love the tongue window (looks pretty fresh)! I wish the girls got to wear cute graduation outfits. Are you running on adrenaline? Post pics of the reno's, I would love to see what you guys do!
