Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Summer Has Begun!

Today is the second day of my "summer vacation". I've moved into the part-time line that I will be working all summer. I'll be home with the kids M-F, and then in to work on Sat/Sun. I'm in heavan. Well, so far anyways! We'll see what happens when the kids are completely sick of each other, and me, and it is 35 degrees outside. Hopefully we'll all still be friends at the end of August!

The house reno's are almost complete. I'll try to post some pictures soon. My knitting completely stalled while we were renovating, but I finally was able to pick it up again last night. This is the back of the Central Park Hoodie, I've already completed the left front. I'm sure I'll be working on this off and on throughout the summer while doing other projects in between, I'm hoping to have it done by September.

Here Maeghan demonstrates what the beginning of summer really means.....time to get DIRTY!!! She didn't even know she looked like this when she came inside the other night. She was having such a good time making dirt pies with her friends.

Yesterday we brought out the swimming pool, I think that it is hilarious that the kids insisted on wearing their goggles for it.

I love summer!


  1. I love summer too!! Bring on the fun!!!

    That picture of Maeghan is hilarious and disgusting!


  2. Oh I remember making dirt pies when I was a kid! weren't those the days?!
    I love summer too but I do find that I am less inspired to knit when it's 100 degrees!

  3. Those are the best photos of the kids ever! We really miss you guys and all the summer fun!

  4. Looks like fun! I love having the kids home for summer. Can you believe I need to go back to school shopping here pretty quick? Summer is flying by way too fast! Enjoy your time home! I am so happy for you that you can be home more. Hugs and kisses from all of us!
