Sunday, August 26, 2007

Happy Birthday Owen!

My baby is 4 now! Owen's birthday was on Friday, and we had a birthday party for him and his friends today. They did a trip to the firehall, and then back to our house for cake, presents, and play. I can't believe 4 years have gone by since he was born, and I thought it would be fun to show how much he has changed over the last four years.

Here is Owen, just one day old. I can't believe how tiny he is. He looked like such a wise old man in the first few weeks. He was born two weeks early weighing 6lbs 10oz.

And here is Owen at his very first birthday party. He was such a sweet baby, always full of smiles. He started crawling at 9 months, and walking at 11 months. He was always trying to do things that were way too old for him, including riding his dad's skateboard, and his sisters bike. I really miss this age.....

This is Owen at age 2. He was not afraid of anything. He loved to play hockey out in the parking lot with boys 3 times his age, he held is own too!

This is his third birthday...already turning into the little man we see today. He learned how to ride a two wheeler bike while he was three. I've never seen such a little guy on two wheels going sooooo fast!

And this is Owen now, four years old......

Little man you have grown so much over the last few years! I'm really looking forward to the next four. You are very smart, athletic, and tons of fun! I love it when you are being silly, and your breakdancing is amazing! Besides being one handsome little guy, you have a really great personality and I am really thankful that I get to be your mom. I love you!

Happy Birthday!


  1. Hello Gorgeous,
    That little guy of yours is turning into a very handsome big guy.
    We are crazy here trying to deal with school and activities. On top of things, you would never believe all the uproar we have caused in the neighborhood. I am waiting for a few things to happen and I'll give you a full update.
    Hugs and kisses

  2. tear...double cute Shan. I miss you guys TONS.
